that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files are best listened to with the eyes closed !
the layout is done with the internet explorer text size setting at largest and with a zoom of 125%, and my text rendering is done for these settings though they should be somewhat tolerant
of a zoom setting or two up or down
of how alienated all the human circus is from it,
so you too feel that alienation
and only half believe what you do in life !
ok, 4.45 is aśvaghoṣa at his best and mike cross successfully captures
it's depth and ambiguity !
palliation of a lover's sorrow,
where bumble bees buzz
singed by fires
please continue !
addresed to yet another crap artist on (alain) on sweeping zen !
in this absence beyond presence
in this place that is no place at all,
in this warm embrace i call myself,
even a ‘no’ is a secret yes,
even resistance is deeply allowed,
even doubt is a celebration of life.
promises are broken
promises are broken
in this absence beyond presence,
in this presence beyond absence,
deep snow on myself
no and yes
resistance is futile
life carries all :o)
you schizophrenic fart,
doubt never crossed your horizon :o)
my comment to eileen
you might try that with men's faces, you can get the face to break up into parts
i was going to say women don't have to do that
they already do look at men's faces for character
they don't split them into sexual parts
it's a male thing
ur homily made me want to weep
not sexual parts, it's the face decomposes
i mean women look at a man's face straight off not his sexual parts
and doesn't have to tell herself not to do that
cos she doesn't
not initially
she wants to
know his character
if he is safe
not wether hes got a big......
that's what if i'm clever i wouldn't tell u
damaging joint tension on the knee,
a twisting action on the hip
( hip damage is permanent,
the knee repairs somewhat more readily )
and severely restricted (thrombotic!)
blood circulation
these people are very very stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damaging joint tension on the knee, a twisting action on the hip (hip damage is permanent, the knee repairs somewhat more readily) and severely restricted (thrombotic!) blood circulation
these people are very very stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
relationship is a breeding machine, designed to deliver the next generation, modern zen buys into this (hence all the sex scandals) and really is subservient to this paradigm...........what can you do?
it wins cause it creates the next generation
the male brain is designed to be blind about women, if you can walk outside those blinders you will be much happier : -)
you will find that being blankly uncritical/sycophantic is neither helpful to yourself, or the writers who need a shot up the bum for their maudlin nonsense :‑)
anyone of any integrity would come down hard on this sort of nonsense in a reply !
you will find that being blankly uncritical/sycophantic is neither helpful to yourself, or the writers who need a shot up the bum for their maudlin nonsense :‑)
anyone of any integrity would come down hard on this sort of nonsense in a reply !
“ the peace and quiet, the sense of oneness that comes through ongoing sitting (ed. meditation) is not yet the end of me and mine ”
my reply
mostly it appears to be the end of common sense and life functionality :‑)
gregory schopen would be the leading buddhist scholar today !
he's a very good speaker !
if you are celibate your life is actually meaningless in a conventional life sense and actually you are a failure the way most people look it
if you have a family then you already have meaning in your life and this is the way zen is adopted now, it's a family person practice and zazen is used as a therapy for that sort of life................... some sort of awareness and reorganizing, in theory anyway :-)
however that's not what zen is about and to discover that you have to be motivated by a complete emptiness and meaninglessness in your life and an interest and feel for what is essentially beyond all that :-)
you have to literally live through a hundred different life times to have moved far enough and though there is a a natural aspect that doesn't really vary throughout your life, in fact you are heavily dependent on reading over the whole of human written experience to garner those gems and small nuggets which enable you to leapfrog lifetimes !
this is what i mean zazen is an introduction, but the way “ family zen ” takes zazen is that the recursion and negation that zazen in theory might provide is sufficient, hence they say well just keep sitting !
well i have never seen it work like that, in fact my observation is zazen in that way inducts a sort of schizophrenia, that is people who do zazen become more rigid, closed and very set in their ways, this is a literal observable fact !
the last genuine zen master was the korean monk kusan who was never able to give transmission to a suitable “heir”, if you read about him you will realize how very very difficult it all is and what a wreck of fakeness the current zen claimants are
so the point i am making is that what it is all really about requires a breathtakingly rapid pace of progress that is not only not delivered by the way zen is taught, but actually strongy inhibits
something done for thousands of years is simply thousands of years of insanity :-)
i just lie in bed in the morning or slump in a chair with my feet up and a red light in the late evening (the red light is so as not to disrupt the circadian rhythm!)
i really think cross legged sitting (ed. meditation) is a pre modern cardiovascular research relic and should be obsolete : o)
i know of several people with strokes from sitting and lots with hip and knee joint damage : o)
you would have to be crazy to sit in the traditional way over 50, or even 40 and some as young as 20!
(reply to a reply by zafrogzen to my comment above)
there's huge decrements in cardiovascular health as one gets older, once you get over 60 i think 50% of the population starts to microstroke in the brain
the other problem is we don't do much physical activity daily now
the advantage of lying down or slouching on or over a chair is your attention is not being spent on holding a position and you are not having to deal with too much discomfort
if you are concious of having to concentrate and thoughts do not flow free and naturally, something is quite wrong, but hey zen is full of life wasting their time wrecks ! ;o)
formal zazen is just a stage you go through, mainly because the teachers are so ignorant they don't know any better, the way zazen is taught as some sort of lifetime answer is quite wrong
zazen is an introduction to a type of solitary or recursive thinking, it's just an introduction to a lifelong process
it's nothing to do with posture and everything to do with the mutation of ourselves and lives via the recursion and reflection that occurs
how can a seating postion have priority over
a recusive and relfective/reflexive process?
the rainbow in various ways ”
zen has this huge issue with being a celibate tradition, that is you can do things without dependants (co-dependants lol) that are imposssible and not wise for people with dependants and relationships to engage in !
the real backward step for you is to put the continued survival of sweeping zen on the line by permitting comments like mine which rightly undercut the reality (unreality!) of current zen !
most likely subscriptions would collapse as the “real” zen is far too hard for those who claim to do it !
so you are in some sort of no-man's land
, am there myself, so it's not like i am criticizing the material failure of what you do, rather it's this divide between what it's actually necessary to do and the inane and half minded yakking
about “what to do”
that occurs
noticing we are going around in circles is an important part of getting out of this :o)
my last or first word on the subject : o)
i think he means of his fake persona !
i think he means of his fake persona